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Allen: “Parents are Clamoring for School Choice Because They Know It Works”

CER President Jeanne Allen Visits with Parents at NCPSO Family Reunion, Discusses High Demand For Expanding School Choice Options

CER Press Release
Washington, D.C.
July 16, 2012

Despite constant assaults from teachers unions, policymakers, and even many popular politicians, the public – particularly parents – are clamoring for more school choice options. In remarks today to parents at the National Coalition for Public School Options (NCPSO) Family Reunion, CER President Jeanne Allen talked about the demand for more school choice options, the reasons behind it, and why further expanding educational opportunities is imperative. Highlights from Allen’s remarks include:

“Everyday evidence grows that demand for school choice is high and that it extends across the racial, socioeconomic, and political spectrum. School choice is embraced by the largest and most diverse coalition in recent history. A coalition that includes Republican and Democrat legislators, civil rights leaders, business leaders, local officials, and educators. Most importantly, it includes a tri-partisan representation of parents who want – and deserve – the power to choose the best school for their own child.”

“Recent CER polling in several key states shows that support is high for charter schools and for allowing parents to choose a school for their child over having them assigned based on their zip code. Support is strongest among African Americans and those with school-aged children.

“In North Carolina, for example, 70 percent support creating one type of school choice — charter schools. That number jumps to 85 percent among African Americans and 81 percent among those with school-aged children. In addition, 50 percent in the state support letting parents choose their child’s school, with African American support at 68 percent. (Visit for full results of recent polling in North Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee).”

“Right here in Washington, D.C. where 41 percent of

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Honor Teachers in Public Schools of Choice

The National Coalition for Public School Options has developed The American Pioneer of Teaching Award (APTA) to recognize outstanding teachers in charter schools and online schools who have changed students lives.

This award recognizes top teachers who are pioneers in the field. These teachers take their craft seriously, and engage in innovative ways to reach their students and make a difference in their lives. Their passion and dedication truly makes a difference. If you are or know a teacher that sparks a love of learning in students at a charter or online school, take 5 minutes to fill out a nomination form.

Award recipients will receive a physical award and will be recognized by the National Coalition for Public School Options board of directors.

Voting has officially closed and the winner will be announced Tuesday, May 8 at 12:00PM (EST) on on Facebook. In the meantime, liking the National Coalition for Public School Options on Facebook lets you learn more about the finalists and the positive comments made on the page about their dedication to teaching.

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