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Urgent Reform Update

September 27, 2012

Dear Friends,

I wanted to write to you immediately to share three critical things, and one of particularly timely importance:

Won’t Back Down opens Friday!: It’s been a long road since CER first started talking to and advising the filmmakers of this important and inspiring film, but opening day is finally upon us.  Anti-reform groups are out in full force and want to be able to say after the fact that their hard “work” prevented you from seeing it.  Don’t let them get away with it. I was at the premiere Sunday night at the Zeigfeld Theatre, and the anti-reform folks were shouting at the stars. It’s nice to have Viola Davis and Maggie Gyllenhaal on your side in this battle and they think telling the real story about parents and teachers fighting back for their schools is worthy of all the controversy!

Trust me. You won’t want to miss it. Watch the trailer and you’ll see why.

Got Parent Power?:   While I was in New York I was interviewed by Fox & Friends and was able to promote our new, popular Parent Power Index© (PPI) which was released in conjunction with Won’t Back Down so that parents who see the film and are inspired by it have a tool to find out whether they have the same power over their child’s education as the parents and teachers in the movie. We’ve already had thousands of visitors per day. It’s extraordinary. So tell your friends and visit the Parent Power Index© and see how much parent power you have!

NBC’s Education Nation: I joined a host of merry (and not so merry) education watchers, activists and yes, the Blob, for a busy and productive few days at the third annual Education Nation Summit in New York. 

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Parents vs. The Blob

by Jeanne Allen
Highland Community News
September 10, 2012

A parent revolution is underway, and most Americans don’t have a clue it’s happening. That’s because most of us – concerned as we are about the environment, jobs and our own family’s sustainability – think education is someone else’s responsibility. And the self-perceived “owners” of the traditional education system – The Blob – stand in the way of virtually all meaningful education reform and work hard to give you the sense that everything is under control.

But reality has a way of intruding. Parents are waking up to the disturbing reality that they have no influence over where and how their children are educated. With eyes increasingly opened, they seek out others who have similar epiphanies and band together to change things. And then, like something out of a bad movie (cue creepy music) The Blob kicks into gear. The moment these parents gain any traction for real change, they find information that confirms they are not alone and they are off. And then, they are immediately maligned by phony Blob front groups portraying themselves as parent-friendly.

Case in point: As I was sitting at home on a recent Friday night, bracing myself for the week ahead when I’d be dropping my two youngest at college, I decided to tweet my pleasure over Teachers Rock, a solid hour on prime time TV whose star studded cast paid tribute to rank and file teachers. Such teachers move mountains for children and defy the status quo, often at great personal cost. This is illustrated by the upcoming feature film Won’t Back Down, which chronicles the efforts of a parent and teacher to transform their failing school. As it was advertised during the show, parent groups began praising what they saw, only to be attacked, as

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Exercising Parent Power

It’s that time of year again – kids are heading back to school. For parents, this can be a reason to rejoice or panic.

Sure, you’re happy your child is going to begin another year of learning and growth. But, at the same time you may be worried about whether or not your child is in the right environment, if the teachers are properly preparing your child for the future or if there are better options available.

Well, the Center for Education Reform is available to help.

Parent Power provides the tools for parents to become empowered and make the best decisions possible for their child’s future.

Whether you have questions about charter schools, school choice, curriculum, evaluating your child’s school, digital learning, or even how to stay involved and informed with your child’s homework, the site will help you get the answers you need.

Parents have more power over their child’s education than ever before. You just may not realize it. Parent Power will help you navigate the system and take control over your child’s learning.


Follow us on twitter, FB and instagram, and email to tell us your stories/solutions. Whatever we get from you on social media — or directly via an email — will be shared, utilized in tele-townhalls, conferences and provided to the media. So please keep us informed by sending us what you know — so we can keep everyone informed.