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Amicus Brief: Florida Opportunity Scholarship Program (2005)

January 2005. Brief of Black Alliance for Educational Options, Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options, Excellent Education for Everyone, Center for Education Reform and Reason Foundation as amici curiae in support of appellants and filed by consent of all parties.

Summary of the Argument:
It is an irrefutable fact of this case that some children in Florida receive the “high quality education” guaranteed by the Florida Constitution, while other children do not. The ugly truth of this case is that most of the children who are deprived of a quality education in Florida are either black or Latino. In striking down the Opportunity Scholarship program, the First District Court of Appeal took away the first real chance at a quality education many of these black and Hispanic children ever had.

Argument Outline:
I. Empirical data shows that school vouchers provide a better education for recipients.
II. Voucher programs improve public schools
III. Vouchers improve racial integration and tolerance.

For the foregoing reasons, the decision of the First District Court of Appeal should be reversed.